article programming

Software Dream-ualisation

Ok, I admit it, by some measures I am a sad, sad individual. Why? Because sometimes I dream about programming. Now those that know me might be thinking that in my dreams I sit in amongst monster rigs hacking away at some monster problem.

I have been told that the best crackers in the world can do this under 60 minutes but unfortunately I need someone who can do this under 60 seconds. — Gabriel, from the movie Swordfish

Sadly the un-reality of my slumber is a little more prosaic and not like Swordfish at all. These dreams are always bizarrely specific programming tasks that would require a small amount of thought if I was awake but since I’m not conscious, they are a little harder.

Last night was different, I dreamt of nothing and woke to the sound of vomitting children (my own). Once that drama was resolved I couldn’t find a way to drift off to sleep again because for some strange reason I’d started thinking about software visualisation. I don’t even want to think about how I got onto that train of thought.

Anyway, the thought went something like this. Could software have colour? I couldn’t see why not. If software had colour then would it be useful? I reasoned that yes, it could be designed to be useful to give software a colour. For instance, colours could be assigned to code-patterns and this might ease in the understanding of that code. Since code is easier to write than to read this seemed like a worthwhile aim.

But then I thought perhaps a better visualisation would be to colour and orient objects on a plane based on the amount of messages that object issues / receives, or some other arbitary scheme. This sounded like a really rather jolly idea and I resolved to investigate it more fully in the morning and I promptly fell asleep.

When daylight arrived I found a link to this research that does something very similar to what I was dream-scribing but the site hadn’t been touched since 1998. Other research, whilst relevant, seemed similarly dormant. The most recent research I could find is here. It uses Vizz3D to turn software into ‘cities’ that can be navigated. This is indeed exciting stuff, even if it was done in C/C++.

It’s long since fascinated me that the world of software is a dynamic ever-shifting place but the tools with which we work on that software (especially for very large projects) don’t really help in trying to conceptualise that software. Indeed, the code most of us see in the maintenance phase is at a lower level of abstraction than that of the overall structure of that software and the structure can be very hard to see by just looking at the code.

Sure we can use various tools like profilers and coverage analysers to view different dimensions of the software plane but they are not the whole picture and compositing those analyses into a coherent whole is still not easy.

Fast forward ten years, perhaps DevStudio or Eclipse will ship with a project visualizer. The information transmitted in a single visualisation could save hours of code-grokking. It probably won’t change the world but it would be very, very, useful.

But perhaps in ten years we will have brains the size of water-melons and be able to program computers using only our minds (like in Firefox). I guess it’s time to go back to sleep now. Sweet dreams.